Complaint about the parking fee

Informations about the car

17 character code of letters and numbers that identifies your vehicle

Personal Information

Reasons for objections


Parking fee - Complaint

If you believe that your parking fee is incorrect, you can complain. Your billing will be put on hold until your complaint is resolved.

We decide all complaints about parking charges in relation to whether the rules and the Traffic Act have been violated.

If you are not approved by the Parking Service, and if you do not pay the fee, we will pass your case on to the Debt Agency.

If you still disagree with the decision, you can contact Parkeringsservice to have the case tried in the bailiff's court. However, this requires that the tax has not been paid.

You must pay the costs associated with the bailiff proceedings yourself, unless you are fully successful in the bailiff's court.

Helsingør Municipality's decision on imposed tax cannot be appealed to a higher administrative authority and is not covered by Section 19 of the Public Administration Act, cf. Traffic Act, Section 121, subsection 2.


Stengade 59
3000 Helsingør
Telefon: 49 28 20 01
E-mail: Send mail til Parkeringsservice 

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